
Stolen "The Passing Scene" Books Recovered

This recovery is of some importance. 

The author of these books was my sixth grade teacher, George M. Meiser IX, who was a great influence on my life. He instilled in me a love for the history and wonders of Berks County, and some of the lore that has become part of Urglaawe is the result (wholly or partially) of things we discussed in class. I remember him leading a journey around the entire county to visit historic, sacred, and mythological sites. Throughout the course of the school year, each student had to construct a huge notebook consisting of things we learned.

These "The Passing Scene" books are valuable to the history of Berks and, in large part, of the Deitsch, too. The books can fetch up to $100 each on eBay, so the thieves were seemingly looking to sell them.


En Dummi Gschicht

Claus Wiescht, 21. Abrill, 1948

Ich weess net was bedeidet soll,
As ich so draurich bin,
En grossi Lieg, aus Zeite alt,
Des kummt mir net vum Sinn.

Ich bin en Pennsylvanier,
Drum binnich schtolz un froh;
Vun Babbedeckel un Babier,
Gemacht, mit bissel Schtroh.

Ich such mir aa en Lorelai
Mit glitzerich goldene Haar,
Un goldene Schtreel - so soll es sei
Zart eem weit, Ya! Des iss waahr.

Ich finn sie net an Bacherach;
Aa net am Rewwer Rhei;
Ich kumm ans Dorfli Dierbach,
Im Wasgauwald herei.

Ach! Toni heest my Lorelai -
Hot goldnes Haar gwiss.
Sie iss en Draam; sie iss so fei --
Mei scheeni Pelzer "Miss."

"Was iss dei Naame, alder Mann?"
"Ich saag dir's net; 'siss Wiescht.
Ich bin, yo doch, Amerikaan
Vun Zucker's alle siesscht!"

Scheeni Yungfraa; sei mir nau gscheit,
Bin schier verrickt, un des aa Heit ---
Des hot die Lorelai gedan.

Der Griesche iss mir ganz zu schei --
Der 'Merikaan zu weit,
Der grutzich Franzos iss voll Wei --
Weess net was es bedeit.

Am Trifels glanzt der Sunneschei,
Unruhich flieest der Rhei;
Im Wasgauwald datt dunkelt es
Im Hatz, mer meent, datt funkelt es.

Beim Watt zum Lamm gehn ich hinei,
Un drink mir blendi Wei
Dann wie kann's annerscht sei?
Datt finnich mir mei Lorelai.